Whatever your sexuality or gender identity you can get friendly, confidential and accurate advice and support when visiting us. Our staff are here to help, not to make judgements about you.


All methods of contraception are available at Cripps Health Centre and are provided free of charge by the NHS.  Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse. 


Choosing  the best method for you

To help you decide which method would suit you best and to compare different methods please use the Contraception Choices website or Best Contraception For Me – Brook

Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception can be used up to 5 days after unprotected sex. However, the earlier you use it the better chance there is that it will be effective so you should seek advice as quickly as possible.  Emergency contraception - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The most effective form of emergency contraception is the non-hormonal coil or Cu-IUD which can be fitted here at Cripps Health Centre or by the Nottingham Sexual Health Service at Victoria Health Centre  

There are also two types of emergency contraceptive pill which are available free of charge from Cripps Health Centre or the Nottingham Sexual Health Service but they are also available without a prescription from a pharmacy (although you may have to pay for this).

Please contact us on 0115 846 8888 and ask to speak to the Duty Nurse for further information regarding emergency contraception. If we are closed please call the Out of Hours service on 111.

You should also consider having tests for sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), please scroll down for further information regarding STI’s.

Implants and Coils

If you are interested in an implant (Nexplanon) or a coil which could be called a non-hormonal copper coil Cu-IUD  or a hormonal LNG-IUD Mirena or Kyleena, please let reception know at the time of booking your appointment as you may need an appointment to discuss this first. The information on this page gives impartial advice and may help you decide what's best for you Contraception Choice Videos | Contraception Choices

Consent Form Implant Insertion

Advice Before A Contraceptive Implant

Advice After Contraceptive Implant Fitted

Consent Form Coil Insertion

Advice Before A Contraception Coil Is Fitted

Advice After Coil Fitted

Contraceptive Pill, Patch, Ring & Injection

Please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse for any of the above on 0115 846 8888

Information on different methods: Contraceptive methods | Contraception Choices

How to take the Combined Contraceptive Pill this leaflet provides information on different ways you can take your Pill.

If you are late taking, or have missed a Pill, you can find out what to do by using this resource: Forgot Your Pill? Use Our Missed Pill Calculator | The Lowdown

Information about Depo Provera and Sayana Press injections: How and when to have medroxyprogesterone contraceptive injections - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Free Condoms

Using a condom may help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s).  Condoms are available free of charge to young people aged between 13-24 years living in Nottingham City via the C-Card scheme.

Students – If you don’t have any symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection but would still like to have free sexual health screening, please book an appointment with a Health Care Assistant (HCA) at Cripps Health Centre Tel: 0115 846 8888. If you would just like to register for the C-Card scheme you can apply here: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/currentstudents/healthyu/sexrelationships.aspx 

Non-students – if you are aged under 25 you can book an appointment with a Health Care Assistant (HCA) at Cripps Health Centre to have STI screening. If you are aged 25 or over and would like STI screening and/or to register for a C-card contact Nottingham Sexual Health Service  https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/sexual-health-services   Tel: 0115 9627 627.

Termination of Pregnancy

If you are concerned about pregnancy please contact us on 0115 846 8888.  If you know you are pregnant and are unsure of what to do the following information may be helpful: I’m Pregnant: Options For An Unplanned Or Unwanted Pregnancy (brook.org.uk)

If you decide that you don’t want to continue with the pregnancy the following information may answer some of your questions regarding abortion: Abortion: What is Abortion And How Safe Is It? – Brook

You can self-refer to BPAS for advice and to organise an abortion. Tel: 03457 30 40 30 www.bpas.org or book a GP appointment.


Planning a Pregnancy

Before you stop using contraception please read the advice provided by the Tommy’s midwives at Planning a pregnancy | Tommy's (tommys.org)


Contraception following pregnancy

Please discuss contraception with your midwife, Nurse or GP as many forms of contraception can be started immediately after a termination or delivery and do not affect breastfeeding.



It is important to speak to your GP or Practice Nurse before stopping contraception.


British Menopause Society  https://thebms.org.uk/

 Rock My Menopause - Menopause Information

Sexually transmitted Infections (STI’s) are very common and you may not have any symptoms.  It is a good idea to use condoms to protect yourself from infections and have screening at the start of a new relationship.  Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

STI screening (if you don’t have any symptoms) is available to people aged under 25 at Cripps Health Centre Tel: 0115 846 8888.  Please ask Reception for a 'Clinic One' appointment. Routine testing includes a blood test for HIV and syphilis and a vaginal swab (women) or urine sample (men) for chlamydia and gonorrhoea.  You may be asked personal questions but we ask the same of everyone to assess risk and what type of tests you may need, so don’t take it personally as it will help to identify what you need.

If you are aged over 16 and have a Nottingham City postcode (e.g. NG1 NG7 NG8) you can access free postal tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea at SH:24. Free postal HIV and syphilis tests are available from Freetesting HIV | Free HIV Kits for Self-testing at Home

If you are aged over 16 and live outside Nottingham City (e.g. NG2 NG9) you can access free postal chlamydia & gonorrhoea tests from SH.UK — Free STI / STD Testing & Reproductive Health

If you have symptoms of an STI please contact Nottingham Sexual Health Service https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/sexual-health-services Tel: 0115 9627 627.

If you are paying for or being paid for sex then you may be at increased risk of STI’s. Please access support and advice here at Cripps Health Centre or Nottingham Sexual Health Service https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/sexual-health-services Tel: 0115 9627 627

Information about STI’s can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page and also here: https://www.bashh.org/guidelines  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis/

HIV, Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) & Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)

If you are concerned about HIV please make a GP appointment or contact Nottingham Sexual Health Service. Tel: 0115 9627 627 https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/sexual-health-services

PrEP is available at https://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk/

More info about HIV & AIDS https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hiv-and-aids/     https://www.tht.org.uk/



Vaccinations are available for Human Papilloma Virus (HP) if you are aged under 25 and did not receive the vaccine at school. Please discuss with the Practice Nurse about your eligibility for free vaccinations.


Cervical Screening – Smear test

You will receive a letter inviting you for your first smear test shortly before your 25th birthday.  Please contact us for an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Information about the screening service and what to expect at your smear appointment can be found here:  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/

Information about HPV and cervical cancer can be found here: https://www.jostrust.org.uk/

There is more information on the Cervical Screening page of this website, including guidance for trans and non-binary people.



Please make an appointment with a GP if you wish to discuss any gender-related issues.

Information about Nottingham based services and support groups:



Information regarding NHS screening programmes for trans people can be found here: 


Specialist Sexual Health Counselling

The clinic is run from the Chandos clinic at City Hospital. Chandos Clinic (sexual difficulties clinic) | NUH

They see patients with sexual difficulty related to:-

  • Sexual Desire/Arousal
  • Erections
  • Orgasm
  • Ejaculation: Rapid/Delayed
  • Sexual Pain: Vaginismus, Genital pain
  • Sexual Difficulties Related to Disability/ill health
  • Compulsive Sexual Behaviour


They are not able to see patients with the following (see useful links below):

  • Illegal Sexual Behaviour
  • Mental Health illness that would preclude an individual from engaging with the Service and would be more appropriately managed in a general mental health setting
  • Individuals requiring Trauma Therapy

To access the Chandos clinic you will need to be referred by a health professional, normally your GP.

Sexual Assault

The Topaz Centre SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) offers free support and practical help

to anyone in Nottinghamshire who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.

The service is completely confidential and you do not have to give any personal information in order to get help.

​If you would like to speak to someone, please call freephone 0800 085 9993 or visit https://www.topazcentre.org/#  or Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services | Notts SVS Services

Women's Health

The NHS have an information page containing advice on lots of women's health topics including periods, contraception, pregnancy and menopause Women's health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)



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