Dr Tim Baker (m)

BMedSci (Hons) BMBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH, Diploma in Sports & Exercise Medicine Dr Baker graduated from The University of Nottingham in 1996 and has been a Partner at Cripps Health Centre since 2001. He is interested in sport and exercise medicine, minor surgery, lung disease and acupuncture and has also spent time working with Nottingham’s Alcohol and Drug Team. He is also involved with St John Ambulance as County Medical Officer for Nottinghamshire. |
Dr Clare Manktelow (f)
Dr Manktelow qualified at the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine in 1992, initially training in Anaesthetics and then in Paediatrics. She completed her General Practice training in 1999 and joined the Partnership at Cripps in 2001. She has a special interest in dermatology. |
Dr Abigail Walton (f)

BMedSci, BMBS, DCH, DRCOG, MRCGP, DFFP Dr Walton graduated from Nottingham University in 1998 and completed her GP training in Derby. She has worked as a GP in Nottingham and in Melbourne, Australia before joining Cripps in 2012. |
Dr Matthew Litchfield (m)
B Med Sci, BM Bs, MRCGP, DRCOG, Diploma in Sports & Exercise Medicine
Dr Litchfield graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2003. After a spell working in A&E he then completed his GP training in Nottingham. He joined Cripps Health Centre in 2014. He enjoys the wide range of conditions seen in general practice, but has an interests in Sports and Exercise Medicine. |
Dr Simon Royal (m)

BMedSci, BMBS (Nottingham 1994), MPH, MRCGP, DCH Dr Royal joined the practice in 2006 having previously worked in the Division of Primary Care at the University of Nottingham He is interested in all aspects of health promotion and disease prevention and leads the practice in clinical research. He also works for the National Institute for Health Research as a Primary Care Clinical Specialty Lead. |
Dr Owen Hughes (m)
MChem (Oxon), BMBS (Nottingham 2016), DipTH (LSTM), MRCGP Dr Hughes qualified from The University of Nottingham in 2016 and completed his GP training in Nottingham. Dr Hughes previously worked in drug discovery research, having completed a Masters degree in Chemistry at the University of Oxford in 2004. He supports Dr Royal with clinical research activities at the practice. Dr Hughes enjoys the variety of conditions seen in General Practice, and has interests in travel medicine and palliative care. |
Dr Haneen Ali (f)

MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, PGDip Derm Dr Ali graduated from Leicester Medical School in 2009 and completed GP training in 2014. She has lived and worked in Nottingham City since 2015. She enjoys managing the wide variety of health problems seen within general practice but she has a special interest in dermatology and women’s health. |
Dr Sarah Armitage (f)

BA (Hons), MB BChir, MRCPCH, MRCGP Dr Armitage joined the practice as a salaried GP in 2018. She graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2009. She initially trained in paediatric medicine and then undertook GP training in Oxford. She has a special interest in children and young people’s health. |
Dr Sarah-Louise Hamlyn (f)

BSc Neuroscience, MBCHB, DFSRH, DRCOG, MRCGP, PGMEC Dr Hamlyn qualified from the University of Edinburgh in 2008. After a couple of years spent working abroad, in A&E in Australia and as a trainee GP in New Zealand, she completed her GP training in Lincoln in 2015. Her clinical interests include contraception and sexual health. She is qualified in performing minor surgery, coils and implants. She teaches medical students at the university and is qualified as a GP trainer.
Dr Puja Nanda (f)

MRCGP, DRCOG, DFRSH, MBChB Dr Nanda graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2005. She trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for 4 years, before changing to a career in General Practice. She completed her GP training in 2014 and joined Cripps Health Centre in 2014. She is interested in Womens’ Health and contraception. |
Dr Anna Swain (f)

MBBS ( Newcastle 1998), MRCGP After qualification Dr Swain spent a year working in Australia before returning to Newcastle to start training in Anaesthesia. After three years she relocated to her home town of Nottingham and decided to change direction in her career and qualified as a GP in 2005. Her special interests are diabetes, lifestyle medicine and wellness coaching. |
Dr Clare Veltman (f)

BMedSci (Hons), BMBS (Nottingham 1994), MRCP, MRCGP, DFSRH Dr Clare Veltman qualified as a doctor from Nottingham University then spent a year working in New Zealand. She returned to Nottingham to train further in medicine, before deciding she would be better suited as a GP. She worked as a GP in south Derbyshire for 15 years before joining Cripps in 2017. She has a special interest in womens' health, contraception and sexual health. |
Dr Katherine Metcalfe (f)

Dr Zarina Beg (f)
MRCGP, BMedSci, MBChB, RCGP, qualified 2005, University of Nottingham
Dr Beg qualified from Kings College London School of Medicine in 2009 and completed her GP training in London in 2015. She has interests in medical education, lifestyle medicine and health coaching. |
Dr Shalini Nayak (f) |
Dr Catherine Cheesman (f) |
Dr Bettina Bottcher (f) |
Dr Rashmi Dahal (f) |
A guide to abbreviations
- BM Bachelor of Medicine
- BS Bachelor of Surgery
- ChB “ “
- BMedSci Bachelor of Medical Sciences
- DFSRH Diplomate of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
- DCH Diploma of Child Health
- DRCOG Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- MRCGP Membership of Royal College of General Practice
- RGN Registered General Nurse
- SRN State Registered Nurse
- SCM State Certified Midwife
- RM “ “
- BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- DFFP Diploma of Faculty Family Planning
- MSc Masters of Science
- MFTM Member of Faculty of Travel Medicine
- MBChB Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Latin)